Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Journey Commenced

I am relatively new to recreational flying.The bug bit  years ago and gradually an idea has formed up helped along by brother-in-law John who over the years  took me on several flights in various airplanes. A trial instructional flight in late 2008 sealed the deal and training commenced, to be completed in January 2010 when, having negotiated a mild form of  aviation dyslexia, I obtained an RAAus Pilot Certificate. 

My initial training at Murray Bridge was in a Skyfox Gazelle,  a most forgiving sort of plane as indeed it needed to be. Since then I have been endorsed on  Jabiru 170 and quite recently Jabiru 230. I am about to embark on navigation training that will allow me to spread my wings wider.
 The idea of building a plan has been lurking in the deep recesses for quite some time. I have now developed this insatiable urge to create something useful that might just get off the ground....... it's like a disease. I watched with interest the final stages of construction of a Savannah XL by Ron Hoey and have had the pleasure of a short flight with him. The Savannah is indeed a fine aircraft whose STOL capabilities are remarkable. For a long while I contemplated building one, but after much research and deep thought have finally decided on a RV-12.

A Fine Example of an RV-12
(Courtesy Tony Tessitore)
Why you may ask - then again maybe not. Some reasons are high builder/owner satisfaction, exceptional quality construction plans, good payload, high performance and 'cos I just plain like 'em.

So the order was placed with Vans on the 18th January. They say it will be 8 weeks to dispatch, so allowing for time in transit, I would expect it in Australia around mid to late April. It will be interesting to see how that pans out. Patience is required - a commodity in short supply in my little corner of the world!

Clearly some tools are required for the build that don't currently live in Erik's workshop so of course some additional investment is required. I've ordered a RV-12 tool kit from Cleveland Tools plus a few sundry bits and pieces. I'm thinking like most builders I'll use the time between now and when the plane kit arrives to set up the workshop. I'll post progress with that as it goes forward..