The great day has been and gone. A hire trailer and a trip to Adelaide and some assistance from Tim saw 5 crates safe and sound in the shed.
The crates arrive in perfect condition, obviously treated with great respect which is amazing given the distance they have traveled with multiple handlers. Note family cat providing close supervision.
Vans give you 30 days to check all components are present and correct and advise of anything missing which they will replace.
I've been at this unwrapping and checking for a couple of weeks among other commitments and am thankfully approaching the end. I have to say the kits are a marvel of packaging that has ensured that every part (and let me tell you there are plenty) has arrived in perfect condition. So far I have only found one part missing which I think is pretty impressive given the number.
Hopefully by the end of this weekend that phase will be complete and all parts will have found a temporary home. Perhaps even a start to construction......................we shall see.
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