Saturday, June 25, 2011

Back on track

This morning, we journeyed to Adelaide to get Carol's glasses sorted out.

Back to the ACF at midday and working to get  back on track now that the
parts have arrived.

The first task was to reconstruct the stuffed up vertical stabilizer upper hinge assembly. Here it is ready to be bolted on.

The infamous missing WD 1208 lower stabilator horn was clecoed in place, the holes final drilled and the nutplates to which it is fixed were installed on the forward and aft spars. I'd like to show a picture of this, but I don't have one.

Here is the completed spar box assembly ready for the rib clips and ribs to be installed.  

At this point the aft ribs are clecoed ready for riveting.

The forward ribs are clecoes and riveted in place. The stabilator skeleton assembly is now complete.

There is one more job before the skins are introduced. This is to install the stabilator hinge brackets to the forward spar. These were prepared the other day with nutplates riveted in place and  spacers cut from aluminum tube. The installation requires the brackets to be bolted in place. The spacers need to be  to be a snug fit between the brackets. Mine weren't. Fortunately there was some tubing left so I was able to cut some more to fit. I hope that tube was not meant to do somewhere else........... Here are the brackets completed.

The last job for the day was to begin preparation of the stabilator main skins for riveting to the stabilator skeleton. I worked on the right skin, deburring the holes and removing the blue plastic.

Tomorrow I will debur the edges of the skin and repeat all these processes on the left main skin.

It's good to be back on track, building in sequence according to the plans. All in all, a satisfying day,

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