Monday, June 27, 2011

Moving right along

Yesterday I managed a reasonably early start to what proved top be a pretty satisfying day's work on the stabilator.The first order of the day was to finish preparation of the skins, as usual deburring edges and holes. Let me tell you there are lots of holes! This is the right skin ready to go.

Once they were complete you slide the the spar box assembly inside the skin and cleco it in place. It's amazing hole precise this kit is, all of the holes aligned beautifully. Don't you just love it when a plan comes together. This is starting to look like a big job so I whistled up assistant aircraft constructor Tim to help. To fill in time I prepared the aft ribs by deburring etc. When he arrived we began in earnest clecoing, riveting de-clecoing (might be a new word) until eventually both skins were securely in place. It sure helped having assistance for this as it saved changing tools every few seconds to de-cleco and rivet. Its a shame I didn't take more photos, I must do better at remembering that. I do have one of progress with skins on though. AAC Tim is pictured.

The next step is to affix a splice that secures the two skins together at the rear of the stabilator and to rivet the previously prepared hinges in place that are the attach point for the anti servo tabs that I previously constructed. I do have a photo of that. You can see in the distance the aft ribs which also get riveted in place at this point.

We're in the home straight now with just three jobs to go. First is to fix in place the Aft Skin on both the left and right sides. Here is the right side clecoed in place ready for riveting.

And the left side all complete.

The second last job is to bolt in place the upper and lower control horns. Here they are.

 The very last task in Section 9 is to prepare and fit the counterbalance arm, it goes in the hole you can see above. But that is a task for another day. Here is the almost completed stabilator. Isn't that a thing of beauty!


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